Maximize Google search performance with customer-centric product data.

Customers signal their desires by searching for what matters to them in their own words. Make sure your products are being found in Google search by harnessing the power of comprehensive and customer-centric product data.

Capitalizing on M-Commerce with AI

How it works

Great search marketing starts with complete, accurate, and customer-centric product data, which is a key challenge for many brands and retailers. Lily AI makes it easier than ever to optimize the product data sent to your Google Merchant Center to optimize Google Shopping Ads and Product Listings.

Fashion products showcasing the power of Lily AI for SEO and SEM.

Harness the power of customer-centric search

Now, retailers and brands who leverage Lily AI’s full-funnel search solution can easily:


  •  Enrich Google Merchant Center (GMC) product data with human-centric attributes
  •  Ensure products are discoverable via natural language search phrases
  •  Match consumer purchase intent with Lily AI’s search-optimized product titles and descriptions
  •  Drive SERP rankings by deploying Lily AI’s product copy on PDPs

Learn more about Product Attribution


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Maximize Google Search Performance With New Lily AI Release

Our comprehensive product attribution solution maximizes Google search performance, improving effectiveness of both organic and paid advertising strategies.
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2024 Retail Roadmap

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