Home Product Attribution

Add exceptional depth to your home product catalog, and drive the traffic, conversion and revenues you’re looking for.

Home furnishings brands can now easily manage a customer-centered language of product attributes that supercharge the entire retail value chain.

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Trusted by global brands and industry leaders

Bridge Furniture and Props logo
American Freight
Neutral soft home image of a living room with a sectional sofa and wooden accents.

From soft furnishings to dining to decor, Lily AI is changing how home brands use enriched product data to drive new revenues.

We work with home industry leaders to ensure that the language of their customers informs and enhances every point in their commerce ecosystem. We unlock new revenues and boost customer satisfaction by providing a depth and scale of product attribution that no other solution can match. 

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A lack of customer-centered product attribution data has compounding negative effects across the retail value chain.

That’s why Lily AI connects your customers with what they’re really looking for. Boost Google Search performance by enhancing the product data sent to your Google Merchant Center to optimize Google Shopping Ads and Product Listings. Drive rapid product onboarding and maximize on-site product discovery via improved site search and recommendations.

Learn More About Product Attribution
Image of a dining room in a home with mid-century modern tables and chairs.
Lily AI Home Chart Showing the Breakdown in the Retail Chain with poor Attribution.
Image of a neutral warm bedroom with wooden furniture and soft textural linens.

Predictable demand forecasting and merchandising, built to tame the unpredictability of home retailing.

Now home brands can increase their ability to sell customers what they’re looking for right now, and decrease the need to mark that inventory down later. Lily AI’s proxy products and robust computer vision can help accurately forecast demand for brand-new product lines, boost full-margin sales and keep warehouses operating “just in time”.

Learn more about Demand Forecasting

Lily AI's infographic on home decor and home product attribution

Infographic: Home Decor and Harnessing Customer-Centric Home Product Attributes

Effective and accurate home product attribution that bridges the gap between brand-speak and customer-speak can not only help your shoppers find exactly what they’re looking for, it can also help deliver higher conversion rates, more full-margin sales, and increased sell-through.
Teal themed room filled with gold metal trendy home decor.

A Q&A on Home Product Attribution with Lily AI’s Amy Chong

Amy Chong, Lily AI’s Senior Styling Manager, discusses some of the top questions she’s asked about Lily AI’s home product attribution capabilities.