Don’t Let Q3 Code Freeze Hurt Your Chances for a Strong Q4 Holiday

See how smart Q3 e-commerce tech stack investments can deliver impact in time for the Holidays.

The holiday season is fast approaching, and retailers are gearing up to make the most out of the bustling Q4 sales period that encompasses Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the festive Christmas rush. In a world where technology is transforming the way businesses operate, retailers need to leverage every advantage they can get. This is where purpose-built vertical artificial intelligence platforms come into play. By focusing on tailor-made solutions that enhance customer experiences and operational efficiency, retailers can pave the way for a successful holiday season and beyond.

Smart Q3 Investments For Strong Q4 Performance

There’s still time to supercharge your holiday season by making strong investments in Q3 for an uptick in AOS (average order size), RPV (revenue per visitor), and overall e-commerce performance. Elevate your business strategy with customer-centric product attributes for a stronger than ever Q4.

Purpose-Built Solutions for Immediate Impact: When it comes to integrating AI into your retail operations, it’s crucial to opt for solutions that are purpose-built for your specific vertical. According to McKinsey, “generative AI and other foundational models change the AI game by taking assistive technology to a new level, reducing application development time, and bringing powerful capabilities to nontechnical users.” Lily AI shines in this area by offering retailers a platform that’s finely tuned to their needs. Unlike generic AI platforms, vertical-specific solutions like Lily AI come with ready-to-deploy features that can be operationalized quickly. This means you can hit the ground running without wasting time on extensive integration and customization cycles. Why wait until Spring when you can still impact your business this season?

Swift Implementation for Measurable ROI: Time is of the essence, especially during the holiday season. Implementing new technology can be daunting, but the key is to find solutions that can be put into action swiftly. Lily AI boasts an impressive implementation timeline of just 4 weeks. This means you can start reaping the benefits of AI-driven insights and optimizations well before the Q4 rush. What’s more, Lily AI delivers instant measurable ROI, particularly through its Site Search capabilities. Unlike platforms that overpromise and underdeliver, Lily AI ensures that you can see tangible results in a short span of time.

Amplifying Existing Investments: Retailers often have a range of technology investments in place, from e-commerce platforms to product information management (PIM) systems. The beauty of Lily AI lies in its seamless integration with these existing systems. Lily AI can be quickly integrated into various components of your technology stack, such as Site Search, Ecommerce, and PIM platforms. By enhancing the outcomes of your current technology solutions, Lily AI maximizes your operational efficiency and amplifies your existing tech investments.

Putting the Customer Experience First: At the heart of any successful retail strategy is the customer experience. As you consider AI solutions for your holiday readiness, it’s paramount to prioritize customer convenience and satisfaction. Lily AI was founded with this principle in mind, ensuring that every enhancement and optimization ultimately leads to a more enjoyable shopping experience. Before adopting any technology, ask yourself: Will this solution make shopping easier and more enjoyable for my customers? Lily AI is designed to deliver a resounding “yes” to this question.

Elevate Q4 Performance, and Beyond

As retailers gear up for the competitive Q4 holiday season, it’s clear that purpose-built AI solutions like Lily AI hold the key to success. By focusing on vertical-specific, quickly implementable, and customer-centric solutions, retailers can fortify their existing technology investments for a robust Q4 performance. With Lily AI’s ability to seamlessly integrate into your existing technology stack and elevate customer experiences, this holiday season could be just the beginning.

Learn more about the power of Lily AI in elevating the customer experience and transforming your business–and make this Q4 one to remember.

AI for the Holidays: Quick Wins and Long-Term Gains

In this webinar, Alicia Esposito, VP of Content at Retail TouchPoints sat down with Lily AI’s co-founders Purva Gupta and Sowmiya Chocka Narayanan to discuss the immediate and powerful ways that retailers can implement AI this holiday season.
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