Lily’s AI adds conversion-friendly language to your ads, which rank higher without extra spend.
Enrich your Google Merchant Feed with the language search engines and shoppers prefer, for immediate results.
Lily audits and enhances your listings to make sure you’re getting the best of Google.
Improving the quality of your product listings means ranking higher in search and shopper consideration.
Tap into the latest trends, styles, and upcoming occasions by automatically adding them to product listings.
Lily’s AI adds conversion-friendly language to your ads, which rank higher without extra spend.
Automatically tune your ad copy to rank higher and stand out to shoppers with language they love.
Lily’s attributions boost your Quality Score, so your ads appear higher across more searches.
Add language that makes shoppers click, with compelling customer-speak descriptions in sponsored listings.
Improve retail media performance with deeper insights into your shoppers’ needs and behaviors.
Connect with your high-intent audience using their shopping language.
Improve your ad targeting using deterministic customer shopping signals.
of consumers worldwide search for product info through a search engine
Improve your ad inventory effectiveness with customer-centric product titles and descriptions.